Manganese The Tiny Mineral that Powers Your Body
Manganese is a trace mineral that our bodies require in minute quantities for the proper functioning of various bodily systems. From protein and fat metabolism to healthy nerves, a strong immune system and blood sugar regulation, this mineral fulfills several important functions. Manganese is also required for normal bone growth and reproduction, aiding in the synthesis of bone and cartilage. It is also utilised in the formation of lubricating fluid in the joints, offering support for individuals with joint-related issues. This mineral is vital for individuals with iron-deficiency anaemia, as it aids in the synthesis of haemoglobin. Furthermore, it facilitates the utilisation of vitamins B1 and E and works in conjunction with the B-complex vitamins to help people feel a sense of well-being. It is found in plenty of foods like grains, nuts, and leafy greens, so it’s crucial to make sure you are getting the right daily intake.